Box Tops

Clip those Box Tops! Each class has a collection envelope—let’s see which class receives the most. Clipped Box Tops are worth 10 cents each for the school. To see more ways to earn money through the Box Top program, go to

Christmas Program

Rehearsals (speaking parts only at this time) are every Tuesday afternoon from 3:15—4:00 p.m. in the Elementary School Library. The Christmas Program this year will be Friday, December 1. If you are available to help with preparations (sorting costumes, etc), please...

Sees Candy

SEES CANDY: The Sees Candy Christmas fundraiser is officially underway! Please note that exact change needs to be collected and the entire order form must be completely filled out. All orders must be turned in on Thursday, November 16. No late orders accepted....

Pizza Wednesdays

Money for pizza is due every TUESDAY. To ensure that your student receives the food for which you have paid, all money must be in an envelope labeled with the student’s name, Grade and items/quantity of order. Please put the money in your child’s backpack and teachers...